How To Impress A Girl – The Little Things That’ll Make Her Crazy About You

1. Be subtle.
how to impress a girl
Impressing a girl should never be about drawing all of the attention to you. Even if she notices you because of it, you will immediately be dismissed as an immature poser and show off.
Instead of pushing yourself in her face, let her slowly get to know you on her own. Nobody likes to feel forced into something, which is why subtlety can go such a long way in relationships.

2. Be confident.
As you know, girls are naturally drawn to confidence. After all, confident guys have no need to show off, they are not fazed by criticism and there doesn’t seem to be a single worry on their mind.
Fortunately, you don’t have to be a TV star or millionaire to appear that way in front of your girl. Simply forget your anxiety and don’t second-guess yourself.
The truth is, that if you want a girl to be truly impressed with you, don’t rely on her approval or reaction in the first place.

3. Act naturally.
No matter how good of an act you can put up for the girl that you’re trying to impress, you won’t be able to keep up forever. Sooner or later, your real self will show through.
That’s why most of your efforts should go towards making yourself comfortable with who YOU are, instead of manufacturing an assumed identity for the sole purpose of impressing a girl.
If you notice some actual flaws about yourself, fix them or learn to live with them.
Finally, you shouldn’t be afraid that a girl won’t like you just the way you are. Someone who is turned off by your real self isn’t worth a minute of your time anyway.

4. Work on your looks.
As any good-looking person will tell you, good looks take work.
While we all have to live with whatever features we were born with, it’s your responsibility to make the best of them. Grooming your hair, shaving before going out, getting in shape and dressing well are all essential parts of impressing a girl.

Fitting clothes can be especially important in that situation, and it’s less about how expensive they are and more about wearing the right size, color and style for your type of body.

5. Have a sense of humor.
Having a good sense of humor is a sure way to get a girl’s attention without coming across as needy.

Everyone likes to have a bit of fun. A wide smile and some positive thinking to go with it will make every girl feel comfortable around you. By realizing that you’re an easy-going guy and a great person to hang out with, she will be impressed with you in the most subconscious way possible, leading to her being absolutely crazy about you.

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