Here's How to Go Out With The Woman Of Your Dreams

Men are less "good" seductive when they really want a girl ?
Why would a man he ends in such extreme psychological states because of a woman?Firstly this is not your fault ! You were never taught how to manage this kind of problems at school (too bad because it is certainly much more important than geometry ... ) .Unlike girls , men , we speak rarely of such subjects "emotional ." So as the overwhelming majority of men, you have never had the opportunity to learn how to seduce a girl you really like .And reflex based on a man who is lost and does not know how to go about seducing the man of her heart ... is to seek advice from other girls ( sister , girlfriend, mother , etc ...)But if you ask a woman how to seduce THIS girl you like as it inevitably will answer something like : "we need you to be cute , nice, sweet , caring, there for her, etc ... ". But the reality is quite different.

Men "nice" or timidbecome good friends , nothing more
If women evoke the ideal of the nice man in their speech , it is because they lie to themselves. I tell you as a man who spoke to hundreds of women in the context of consultations : the "nice" guy becomes a good friend as "nice" has never been a quality seduction phase .Phase of seduction women are genetically programmed ( the fault of the limbic brain , also known as primitive brain) to be attracted to dominant men , able to " meet their needs and those of their offspring ."Another scourge of man wanting to conquer a woman is shyness and lack of confidence. Both men quite attractive, simply dare not openly discuss or dredge the girl of their dreams .
According to the results of a study by the Journal of Women in 2008, 60% of men ( so shy ) , is the woman to make the first step in drag .The fundamental problem : the study shows that parallel , 95% of women expect the man to make the first step.This statistic proves one thing : the shy man has virtually no chance to seduce a girl of his dreams . Even if a woman likes you , she preferred to die rather than take the first step !

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