Is having a big car helps to pick up girls ?

When I was 20 years, I sold popcorn in a large cinema, and one of my colleagues, who provided security, travelling Audi TT... and it's true, she had the hangover.
So yes, his car was the rant, and when he arrived at work, on the parking lot, a few heads turned in his direction.
But besides that, the guy lived in a trailer with his mother (Yes) and jumped a meal two to afford to put petrol in his car.
So yes, when he left on Saturday night, hair slicked back, driving his TT, it should feel beautiful, and can be that once or twice this effectively allowed for a chopper one or two not very Mechelen girls.
But every other day of the week, in the eyes of normal people, he passed for a loser, a poor guy with a shitty life, a car too big for him and bad life priorities.
What stuck here, you will understand, it is the lack of coherence between its 'real life' and his beautiful car: there is a bug, this car in his hands, it seems socially incongruous...
Then no, despite the cliches, cheat by buying a luxury car does not assist in dredging, because that account for dredging, it is you, not your convertible.
On the other hand, if you are a satisfied guy, who succeeds in life, having a nice car becomes socially coherent.
In these conditions, your beautiful car becomes the symbol of your success and your personal ambition.
People are naturally attracted to you; not because you drive a racing car, but because you have a rich and exciting life.
The car? Do not believe what you see in the movies: this is a bonus. It plays to only 1%.
What counts is your personality, your lifestyle, your energy. On the other hand, a part of your entourage would not understand that you were driving a wreck.
So your car must be a true reflection of your lifestyle and your personality.

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